Where are your florists located? Our company has florists all over the world in every city and country enabling easily and fresh delivery of flowers on a daily basis. All flowers are guaranteed for freshness.
How far in advance should I order flowers? For regular days, the morning of delivery is sufficient. For holidays several days or even a week before is the safest as we tend to have limited quantities on some of our specials and they are sold on a first come basis.
What if I don’t have a complete address or phone number? You must have a complete address and phone number for the recipient so that we are able to successfully deliver the flowers to them.
Will I get refunded if the recipient is not at home or is away? Please ensure that the recipient is at home and that the address is correct. We cannot refund the order if the florist has already attempted the delivery and experienced wastage of flowers.
Can you schedule a delivery at a specific time for a funeral? Absolutely! Sympathy arrangements take priority in the florist business. If you say, for example, “memorial service at 11:00 AM,” we’ll make a special effort to deliver the arrangement the day before or early in the morning.
What do you do if there’s no one home when you deliver? It depends on what YOU prefer! Usually the florists instruct delivery drivers to bring the flowers back to the shop for safekeeping. If you prefer that we leave your gift with a neighbor, in the Special Instructions section of the order type “If no one’s at home, leave it with a neighbor.” In either case, the recipient will be notified with a message on the door or a voice mail from the florist.
Can I get an email confirmation that my flowers were delivered? Yes, just be sure to give your sales associate your e-mail address.
Can I send flowers to someone in another country? International flower and gift delivery is simple with JOLLYFLORİST.COM®! Whether you send gift baskets to Europe, fresh flowers to Asia, or plants to South America, your overseas recipient will love your thoughtful gift.
Is it possible to send flowers internationally? Send roses around the world! JOLLYFLORİST.COM® makes it easy to send flowersworldwide. Most orders can be delivered the same day or in as little as one day! ... Most of our international flowers and gifts will be hand designed and delivered by a local florist.
What kind of stuffed animal will be included in my order?
The stuffed animal is usually chosen by the designer to compliment the arrangement. If you would like to request a particular item, type it in the Special Instructions located just under the delivery date section. We will try our best to meet your special request, but we cannot guarantee it.
What kinds of chocolates will be included in my order?
Our chocolates are gourmet boxed chocolates or truffles. Many florist use local chocolatiers to assure the freshest and highest quality chocolate possible.
Why do you have to make substitutions, and what kinds of substitutions will be made?
This is the best way to guarantee timely delivery of a beautiful arrangement. By agreeing to a substitution, you allow the florists to use their freshest flowers to create a design similar to the one you chose. Not allowing our designers to make substitutions can sometimes result in a delay in the delivery.
How can I get a refund and how long will it take?
Oh dear! If we dropped the ball on your order we certainly want to know about it. Send an email from our customer service page. If a refund is in order, we can submit that right away. It may take two to 10 days for your credit card company or your bank to post the credit to your account—that part is up to them.
I didn’t get a confirmation. How can I know you got my order?
Uh oh! If you didn’t get a confirmation, there’s a very good chance there was a glitch and your order did not complete. To confirm your order, send us an email through the online customer contact form. If you email, send us your name, the email address, and your phone number as you entered them in the order form. Do not email your credit card information.
How are the discount codes applied?
If you have a discount code and you wish to use it for your purchase, you simply need to select the "Discount Code" box before confirming payment, on the right side of the screen. Next, you should introduce your code and confirm it. Lastly, you just need to wait for the website to confirm the correct application of the discount to proceed with the payment of your purchase.
Please remember that it is not possible to accumulate more than one discount in the same order, so if you have more than one code you will have to choose which one you wish to use. Additionally, we cannot apply the discount if the code has not been introduced correctly during the purchasing process.
Jollyflorist internetten çiçek siparişi vermek için en iyi seçenek. Amerika Birlesik Devletleri için çiçek gönderimi Pazartesi ve Cumartesi günleri arasında lokal çiçekçiler tarafından el ile teslimat yapılarak gerçekleştirilir.
Amerika Birlesik Devletleri daki çiçekçilerimiz işlerinde profesyonel olup, Kadınlar günü, anneler günü, noel ve cenaze gibi durumlarda hizmete her an hazırdırlar.
Noel ve yılbaşı günlerinde uzaklardaki sevdiklerinizi özel yılbaşı çiçekleriyle mutlu edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca çiçek dışında hediye paketleri de gönderebilirsiniz.
Çiftler için en özel gün 14 Şubat sevgililer günü, bu özel günde çiçekçilerimiz sizler için en özel ve romantik buketleri hazırlamaktadırlar. Amacımız bu özel günde çok özel gül aranjelerimizle yüzünüzde eşsiz bir gülümseme sağlamaktır.
Anneler günü bütün aileler için özel bir gündür. Firmamız bu özel günde Annelerimiz için en özel çiçek aranjmanlarını ve buketlerini temin etmektedir. Ayrıca yine çiçek yanında ekstra ürünlerde gönderebilirsiniz.
Lütfen siparişlerin teslimatında aksaklık yaşanmaması adına alıcının tam adres ve telefonlarını bize iletiniz. Ayrıca kendi iletişim bilgilerinizi de bizimle paylaşmanızı rica ederiz.
Flower delivery United States of America